Counselling and Therapy Online

Due to Covid-19 limiting face-to-face communication, accessing therapeutic support online has become an essential alternative. In some cases, this has provided opportunities that can be very beneficial: it offers flexibility with timing of sessions; there is no need to travel; where there is anxiety about staying safe it allows for management of one’s own decision making regarding this.

For some, it has been an opportunity to try therapy for the first time, as sharing in a virtual setting can be perceived as offering a level of security and confidence not available to them ‘in the room.’ As with many new experiences, it may need to be tested prior to committing.

Regarding an effective therapeutic connection, this is entirely possible to achieve albeit in a different setting.

Contact me in confidence on: tel 07706 813 692 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.