Hello and welcome.

My name is Lesley. I assume that the reason you’re reading this is because something in your life is troubling you and causing you distress or, at the very least, causing you to feel out of sorts, uncomfortable; maybe not the best version of yourself.

You may not even know why you’re feeling the way you are and that’s OK too.

The aim of therapy is to help you unravel your thoughts and emotions, gain clarity, make sense of how you’re feeling and, ultimately, feel better.

You may have had therapy before or this might be your first foray into unknown territory.

You may feel nervous or excited, fearful or overwhelmed. Self-reflection, however that may look, takes courage and is bound to evoke a whole range of thoughts and emotions.

Whatever you’re feeling-it’s normal.

Lesley Cameron

Psychotherapy and Counselling - Online and face to face in London W14

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Contact me in confidence on: tel 07706 813 692 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.